10 Reasons why every Web Developer should use Kohana.

It is more than two weeks since I got my hands dirty with the Kohana framework.
I am not writing as a Kohana publicist but a developer who is using Kohana and has used others frameworks; Realised a project in half the time I used to realise with CI.I am just appreciating the framework!.

Now Working seriously on  CMS(with Konana )and Engineering for another project (all Kohana).
This blog post is meant for surely developers only!It is much Kohana talk the word Kohana appears at least 35 times!so you know what I am talking of here.

1.If you are very lazy like most Programmers:
Developing websites and web applications involves a lot of repetitive work. Programmers, being lazy sods, have responded by making the software do the heavy lifting. Usually this means writing libraries and components which simplify and automate certain tasks.
Observant programmers noticed that developing web applications involve lots of the same type of repetitive work. Observant programmers, being clever, have responded by making the software implement a pattern, which simplifies and automates the solving of well defined problems.

2.if you say yes to  this question then u need to start using Kohana

-Do you need to use a  Framework?:Then Use Kohana.

What is a framework?

A Framework can be:

1. An implementation of a problem solving pattern.
2. An organized collection of reusable software components.
3. Both

3.If you have Large Projects to Implement:Kohana is probably better for larger sized projects as well as projects that need more flexible extensions. PHP5 offers better (proper) OOP support as the foundation, plus Kohana’s several better feature implementation make it  stronger than most other frameworks.
Rapid development cycle. Rapid development results in faster response to user bugs and requests.

4.If you are to use a Database and want to keep it clean of SQL:Automagical Database Handling . Kohana has an optional ORM module. The ORM module is the Most powerful feature I have got to appreciate till now, when I am tempted to compare CI and Kohana.The ORM library is the Object-Relational mapper for Kohana. It provides ways to handle records in your database as if they were objects and it manages relationships between your tables. It is not loaded like other libraries but works in the model.
There is the modified active record pattern.
Doing connection to the database with ORM of Kohana is magic.The database entries are called as objects.Everything is an object.

5.if you need more help :Enough Documentation:Kohana is all where accused of no documentation and examples.Kohana is in the process of improving its documentation.Check some here :

6.If you need view Automation:Power of Template controller-The template controller is also a tool(class) which is vital in increasing the speed of production and it greatly reduces Repetition.You can be able to produce several views By just calling the “content” and May be “title” to be displayed.U can then experience the power of speed and completion(it’s more fun!:)).

7.If you need order:Kohana Implements with MVC-> HMVC without 3rd party libraries.
why MVC-
A very common problem for many websites, is producing dynamic output, often based on user input. The most common pattern which solves this problem is known as Model-View-Controller(MVC). The concept is that an application should organize around a logical separation of operations. The Controller “controls” things, deciding which resources are used, what data should be modified and when output is displayed. The Model “models” the data, abstracting the retrieving, storing, updating and validating of data. The final output is presented in the View, which is a “view'” of what just happened.

8.If you don’t want to take a lot of instructions to make it work: Kohana favors convention over configuration.
What does this mean? Kohana expects that certain things be named in a certain way, and certain resources to be located in a specific place. That allows Kohana to “Just Work” if normal conventions are followed. To change conventional behavior, you need to tell Kohana about it, by configuration.Further, If you need less Configuration-In my opinion Kohana is more yet it is simpler (less clustered) to do so! Most of the Kohana configuration files are stored in the system folder, you only copy and paste the ones you actually need to modify, and modify them accordingly.
Exampleif you are using a db and using the ORM to access it, then to ease the object convention,the database must be the plural of the Model i.e if db is called afrovisions then the model would be Afrovision_Model.That’s all you need to do to work with your database;Magic!.

9.If you are thinking of the future of Web developement: Kohana Offers many benefits with it’s Strict PHP5 OOP(Object Oriented Programming) as :visibility protection, automatic class loading, overloading, interfaces, abstracts, and singletons.

10.If you use another framework and needs the best shift possible into strict OOP and you need to enjoy the power of OOP of php 5?, Then Kohana.Kohana is originally built on CI.It inherits some common features.A shift of framework should be easy.
Kohana Provides True auto-loading of classes. This includes libraries, controllers, models, and helpers. This is not pre-loading, but true dynamic loading of classes, as they are requested.


Kohana is probably better for larger sized projects as well as projects that need more flexible extensions. PHP5 offers better (proper) OOP support as the foundation, plus Kohana’s several better feature implementation make it a the better tool for Web Development.
As long as you’re an advanced PHP v5 programmer and understand the intricacies of OOP you’ll have absolutely no problem picking up Kohana.OOP is the future of web development.Kohana brings that to live;and It’s what you need;it’s the future; it’s now.

The AfroVisioN team knows that the future of Deb development is here.You can get your site here : AfroVisioN Group.tomorrow is my birthday!HB!

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