It Works!!!Work is Fun not War!!!

It works.Yes it does work.
This is my second week with the Afrovision Team.It has been exciting for me.I mean the changing routine.Travel to work in the morning,get to look at my CodeIgniter(CI) application,study how to implement with it,Implement with it,have fun then Travel back home.The routine may have just ended.Today I finished the Application and it was approved;so I get a routine shift.The whole exercise was to get me used to the MVC(Model View Controller) Architecture. I made it with the finishing of the application as a proof.

I am now to start using Kohana framework.I am already so much liking CI but Churchill promises and swears everyday day that when I know Kohana, I would never want to think of CI again.I don’t agree with him yet because I am already familiar with the Ci framework and has to get familiar with Kohana framework.

Kohana is to be the base for the development at Afrovision.So I must get used to it after 2weeks with CI I would just loose the familiarity.It’s funny how we still hold on to things which leave us/we leave them even when we get a better replacement.

I just started with Kohana.Sincerely I can’t judge from first impressions but I have to.Comparing with CI,where I took more than 4 days just trying to fix deprecated components in it,and make it work for the app I wanted to build.I have come to love Kohana deja because I have done no work on the framework and I see the output already.It is the shortest time I have taken to produce “Hello World” in all my years of entering a new language or framework :).
Now in Kohana everything is an object.At least that is what i have come to appreciate so far.I see lot’s of order;yes there is.

My First Impressions says: would be good.The word should have gone out since about Kohana.I guess I have to get familiar here too.

Oh!This is not supposed to be a CI or Kohana Blog but my Corporate life Blog.

Being with the team for 2weeks has been more fun to me.Working can be fun is the philosophy I now have come to agree with;Work is fun surely not war.If it can’t be fun then find something else where you can work and get fun.The idea keeps me glued to the office with the team;it keeps every one going.Sometimes I forget to go for my bus to the town of Friendship( forgetting to eat is usual :)).The Bus ride is a continuation of the fun.I have the opportunity to read and think away from my 15 inch Lappy and Listen more music from the BB; also laugh with different people,in communication.

I happen to have stumbled on this while searching Kohana and I like to keep it here:
Ten websites implemented with Kohana.

Work has been swift because of the new hot offers the Company offers;affordable,quick results, customized.The best solutions you would find around here and even there!!!.

AVN.More Information can be got

Surely I shall soon come to agree with Churchill that “CI makes PHP easy,Kohana makes Life easier”(hahahahaha).

I’ll see you soon.

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